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First nations

labour market access 

Access to the labour market

Access to the labour market for First Nations is an important topic considering the pool of qualified labour they represent and the current labour shortage in Quebec.  

Even now, Indigenous people are still marginalized and not always considered by companies, which impacts their economy, social well-being and professional and personal development. However, in recent years, changes have been taking place and resulted in numerous initiatives that allow First Nations to showcase their skills and find a place in the labour market.  

For example, many vocational and technical training programs have been created specifically for Indigenous people, providing them with specialized skills in areas such as construction, skilled trades, computer science and health care. These programs have helped many Indigenous people obtain high-paying jobs and contribute to their local economy. 

However, unemployment rates among Indigenous people are still above the national average, as many First Nations members live in remote or rural areas where employment opportunities are limited. Furthermore, discrimination and prejudices persist in some sectors of the economy, making it difficult for Indigenous people to access employment1

Governments, employers, and Indigenous communities must work together to overcome these challenges to create an inclusive and equitable work environment. It may include initiatives such as cultural awareness for employers, mentoring programs for Indigenous youth, partnerships between governments and communities to develop economic infrastructure and ongoing training programs for Indigenous workers. 

In short, the large First Nations labour pool and the progress toward its integration are significant. With continued collaboration and mutual understanding, we can further our efforts to access employment and strengthen Indigenous economies for the well-being of everyone. 

If you have any questions or need support concerning the various stages of First Nations labour market access and integration, please contact us at   

Building partnerships is a great way to promote your company and expand your reach to First Nations. The more you partner and collaborate with communities, the more your company will be recognized and considered. Here are a few key steps to help you achieve this: 

  1. Contact the target community’s band council or the Employment and Training Service Centre (ETSC).  
  1. They will be able to direct you and put you in touch with the appropriate contact person(s).  
  1. Identify your goals and determine what you are looking for.  
  1. Are you looking to expand your clientele? Increase your visibility? Contribute and collaborate on projects? Having clear objectives will help you find partnerships that meet your needs.  
  1. Look for complementary partners.  
  1. Look for partners whose products or services complement yours and whose values, objectives, and sector of activity match yours. Doing so will help you reach a wider audience and offer your clients a broader range of services to your client. 
  1. Build relationships based on trust.  
  1. Trust, authenticity, and transparency are paramount for First Nations. Learn about each other, recognize each other’s expertise, and understand each other’s needs by discussing expectations. Building a solid relationship from the outset will help avoid problems later. 
  1. Clearly define the terms of the collaboration. 
  1. The roles and responsibilities of each party, the objectives of the collaboration, the performance measures, the duration of the partnership, etc., must be clear from the start to avoid misunderstandings. 
  1. Communicate regularly. 
  1. Communication is essential in maintaining an effective collaboration. Schedule regular meetings to discuss project progress, potential problems, and opportunities. Make sure all parties agree on the path to take. 
  1. Be accommodating.  
  1. Relationships require making concessions. Be willing to listen to your partner’s ideas, be open to suggestions and be ready to find solutions that will work for both parties. 
  1. Evaluate the collaboration regularly. 
  1. It is essential to evaluate the collaboration regularly to ensure that it still meets the original objectives and benefits all parties. If it is no longer working, it is better to terminate it quickly than to continue at all costs.  If the evaluation is positive, consider extending the collaboration. 

We hope these tips help you create equal and beneficial partnerships for your company and our communities. If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at  

Are you stressed about going to a job interview?

How do you dress, prepare, and answer questions?

Here are a few suggestions to help you better prepare for this crucial step in the hiring process.

It’s time to shine! 

Learn more: visit the company’s website to learn more about its mission and values. These should be similar to your own. For example, is it a large company or a family business? Employers will appreciate you knowing about past and current projects. You may also call the company for more information about the duties of the position you are applying for. 

Dress appropriately: dress according to the position and company. For example, opt for a simple yet professional look if you are applying for a more administrative job.  

Be authentic: answer questions spontaneously, honestly, and be transparent. By being prepared, you will exude the confidence employers are looking for. 

Do not fear the silence: when asked a question, feel free to take a moment to think about your answer. It will allow you to answer calmly. Also, give as many examples as possible for each response. 

Be confident: show up with a positive and confident attitude. However, be careful not to overdo it and appear pretentious. Look people in the eye when you speak and nod when they talk to you. It shows your interest and your listening skills. 

Name your stress: it is normal to be stressed before an interview. Talking about it can help reduce it. Take time to breathe properly to calm down and avoid speaking too quickly. Feeling stressed is a sign of motivation and interest in the position you are applying for. 

To conclude, preparing is essential for a successful interview. Do you have any other tips than those listed here? Was our advice helpful? Please share your success stories with us. 

If you have any questions or need assistance preparing for your interviews, please contact us at