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Femmes Autochtones du Québec
Assistant social, Gestion de projet, Sciences humaines et sociales, Services
Formule hybride, Temporary, Full-time
English, French

Job description

In keeping with QNW’s mission and values, the Youth Coordinator is responsible for supporting all aspects of
the youth file. The Youth Coordinator’s responsibilities are to advocate, support and empower young
Aboriginal women throughout the province of Quebec. The Youth Coordinator is responsible for the
coordination and planning of all activities related to young Aboriginal women in Quebec.


 Coordinate and oversee the implementation of the Quebec Native Youth’s Council (QNYC) work plan;
 Organize youth activities and events for QNW members related to the orientations received by QNYC, the
resolutions of QNW members and the Aboriginal Youth Action Strategy;
 Organize activities and youth events for the QNW members linked to the orientations received by
QNWYC, the resolutions from QNW’s members and the Aboriginal Youth Action Strategy 2017-2022;
 Ensure and maintain a link with the members of the QNWYC and organize the annual meeting;
 Assist the QNW President and/or the Executive Director in all files relating to youth;
 Act as a resource person for young Aboriginal women, informing and referring them to QNW resources
and/or appropriate programs or services;
 Analyze reports and research related to Aboriginal youth and make recommendations to QNW and
 Maintain and expand the network of contacts of young Aboriginal women and ensure the link with the
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal youth movements in Quebec and Canada;
 Attend and/or actively participate in conferences on Aboriginal youth in Quebec and outside Quebec;
 Represent QNW and defend the interests of young Aboriginal women within governmental and nongovernmental
Quebec Native Women supports Indigenous women in their efforts to better their living conditions through
the promotion of nonviolence, justice, equal rights and health. QNW aims to defend the interests of Indigenous
women, their families and their communities throughout Quebec.
June 3, 2024 – Internal and External Posting (Position incumbent Tawnie Lahache for a 12-month replacement)
 Maintain permanent contact with the Secrétariat à la jeunesse for Aboriginal issues;
 Prepare funding applications in relation to the youth file;
 Assist the director in all other related tasks.

Required experience and qualifications

● Fluency in oral and written English and French;
● College diploma, certificate or university degree in a field of study related to the job or job-related
● Minimum of 3 to 5 years of experience in a similar position;
● Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint);
● Knowledge of the reality of Aboriginal communities (an asset);
● Knowledge of Aboriginal youth .

Skills and Personal Qualities Sought

● Autonomy
● Available and committed on a daily basis
● Planning and organizational skills
● Ability to work as a team
● Initiative
● Dynamic
● Interpersonal skills (openness and ease of
establishing contact, social skills)

Start date : July 2024


Deadline : Tuesday, June 25 before 4:30 p.m.
Interested candidates should send their resume and a cover letter
indicating their interest to the attention:

Quebec Native Women
Kahnawake Business Complex
P.O. Box 1989, Kahnawake (QC) J0L 1B0

Job posting period

Until 2024-06-25 at 22:54

To submit a job offer, internship or training, fill out the form.


Femmes Autochtones du Québec