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Société de crédit commercial autochtone
Administration, affaires, comptabilité et finance
Permanent, Full-time
English, French

Job description

Native Commercial Credit Corporation (SOCCA)

Native Commercial Credit Corporation provides financing products and services to Aboriginal customers in
the province of Québec. It also offers financing products and services under the form of non-refundable
contributions, start-up loans, expansion of businesses as well as support services for carrying out projects
in the commercial and community sector.
Since it’s creation in 1992, SOCCA has enabled many projects to be carried out, thus contributing to the
well-being and autonomy of its Aboriginal clientele.

Job Description :

The incumbent will be responsible for managing and developing the Company’s loan portfolio. He will
analyze requests for non-repayable contributions and loans from Aboriginal clients. It will have the power to
authorize or deny requests within its authority limit and will submit its recommendations to the appropriate
authority when projects exceed its limit. He will represent the Company and ensure its growth, thus
contributing to the economic development of the Aboriginal clientele.

Why apply ? :

-Pension Fund (Defined benefit);
-Complete and comprehensive group insurance plan;
-Advantageous sick leave and parental leave bank;
-Work with a dynamic and qualified team;
-Work with a corporation that cares about the opinions of its employees and members;
-A work schedule offering flexibility and various benefits (such as Work-free Friday afternoon
during summers);
-Contribute to an organization that concretely helps indigenous peoples.

Key Responsibilities and tasks:

• Analyze requests for non-repayable contributions and loans;
• Support and ensure the satisfaction of Aboriginal customers in the realization of their project;
• Authorize or deny the requests included within its authority limit;
• Make recommendations to the competent authority when projects exceed its authority limit;
• Obtain all the information required to process the mandated client files;
• Ensure compliance with the conditions established when granting non-repayable contributions and
loans and coordinate the process of disbursing funding;
• Carry out the recovering processes of files;
• Contribute to the growth of the Company’s business volume;
• Represent the Company with the Aboriginal clientele as well as the socio-economic community and
contribute to its influence;
• Respond to general inquiries.

Skills and qualifications required :

• Hold a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a specialty in accounting or finance and / or
a combination of equivalent or complementary experience;
• Candidates with experience in commercial financing with a private or public financing organization will
be strongly considered;
• Knowledge of programs, laws and tax rules surrounding the Aboriginal world;
• Knowledge of information processing tools and software (Office 365, Adobe, Teams, etc.);
• Excellent quality of oral and written French;
• Good knowledge of oral and written English.
Knowledge required :
• Ability to analyze and synthesize;
• Sense of organization;
• Be able to manage priorities according to projects and issues;
• Be recognized thoroughness, attention to detail and professionalism;
• Ability to establish harmonious relationships with customers, employees, partners and stakeholders in
financial, economic and government circles;
• Ability to work in a team;
• Knowledge of the culture and structures of Aboriginal communities, as well as the economic issues of
this environment.

Hiring priority:

SOCCA’s objective is to fill the position with the best candidate available by promoting the hiring of a member
of First Nations or of Aboriginal ancestry.



Please send your application to the attention of Mr. Dave O’bomsawin

by mail, email or fax:

Société de crédit commercial autochtone (SOCCA)
2936, rue de la Faune, bureau 200
Wendake (Québec) G0A 4V0
Email :
Fax : 450-568-2931

Job posting period

Until 2023-08-07 at 01:36

To submit a job offer, internship or training, fill out the form.


Société de crédit commercial autochtone